It smelled like fish. Fun fact about Ammon: He has now kissed more sealions than he has girls.

there's no way i'm going to be able to capture the epicness of last p-day and this week and read all your letters, but i'll do my best.
So last p'day i didn't get around to finishing up. because of the overwhelming epicness of it all. First to try to respond to some questions. In the christmas package, i keep remembering things i need but keep forgetting them when it's time to right emails. A few things that are always importate:
Maple Extract (for making syrup)
I can't think of anything else right now, i'll try to add stuff as we go on.
So yeah, last p-day i went to the zoo. Lisbon has a nice little zoo, i don't think it's as fancy as some zoos (i've been to 3 or so) but it's a whole lot less depressing than the jackson zoo. First we looked at the tigers, which were cool (and apropriately boring) then we went and saw some rhinocerous, and there was a backflipping squirrel, and some buffulo, and some bison, and other cool stuff. After that we went and saw the sea lion feeding, which was pretty cool. I got to pet a sea lion, and saw them do some coolish tricks. It was cool.
After that we went to the reptile house, and that was cool, mostly for sentimentality. We saw box turtles, and snapping turtles, and alligators and snakes, and all kinds of things i used to find in our backyard. Then we went over to the dolphin show. I had heard that the zoo would change my life, and it came through pretty well.
So the dolphin show was good, they start out with the sea lions doing more tricks, and then afterwards the dolphins come out and jump and stuff. It's a lot cooler than i'm desribing it. They have one thing they do where the dolphins swim behind the trainers, pushing on their feet to make them fly through the water (see picture), it's now on my list of things to do before i die.
So all in all, it was a pretty epic dolphin show. There's also part where the sea lions come through and kiss each person in the audience, and the zoo guys take a picture and you can pay 5 euros after to buy it.
So that was all very cool.
After the show, we were on our way out, and they let you if you want come up and pet the dolphins. So i got to pet a dolphin! And the dolphins kiss you and flip over and let you rub their stomach and it's all very cool and makes me think that i need to get out of mathematics and try to fulfill the childhood goal of being a marine biologist. So yeah, we also talked to the trainers a lot and found out interesting things about them. We gave the head dolhpin guy a pamflet and got his phone number (he lives in my area, i really need to teach the dolphin guy). So that was very very cool.
Then, as we're getting ready to leave, they ask if we want to come in the back and see the stuff behind the scenes. So obviously we did. Back there we saw all the sea lion tanks, and we got to put the sea lions to bed, and we got to pet them and kiss them and even got a hug from one. It was unbelievably cool. Without a doubt, the best p-day ever, and one of the best days of my life (probably on the top 5).
And, on our way back, we ran into someone from New Orleans and talked to them forever. She was cool. also. So yeah, really really good day.
As far as the week goes, it was good. Zone Conference was awesome, Elder Capishce talked a lot about faith and what we, as missionaries, need to do, and what we have to leave to the agency of others.
Our investigators are good, Mariazinha is all ready to go to get baptized on saturday. And we had a new investigators, Maria dos Anjos in church on sunday. We're working hard to try to find new investigators, especially families. I'm also trying hard to work well with the members and find people through them. One thing also that Elde Capishce said is that we should work with the members, but we should be self sufficient, and we can't wait for the members to find people. I realized that it's really more important to teach with the members of the church than to find with them, because the whole reason finding with the members is so good is because the people you find are friends of members. If the members make friends with the people you teach, it works out the same way.
Blast, i had more to say, but i forgot and i'm out of time. So, until next week, have a great november. Happy birthday, mom, i'm going to try really really hard to get stuff send off today, so we'll see how that goes.
Have a great week, thanks for all the letters, pictures, and everything.
Elder Ammon