so, at the end of a poorly planned p'day, i'm sort of without time for righting letters. Back in the day in Mafra we just did shopping and internet and cleaned the house, but here in lisbon, Preperation Days are epic, it was good though. We went to the Aquarium and ate lunch with the missionaries and one of the Irmãs' investigators.
The week was good. We dropped a couple people, and found some new people. One of the people i'm most excited about is a brasilian family, Nivaldo and his wife and son. They are way nice (all brasilians are way nice) and the wife said they'd been to lots of churches but had never quite felt right in any of them. They also did something that almost no new investigator has ever done, they called to cancel an apointment. While canceling an apointment might not seem like signs of goldeness, the fact that they remembered, and were considerate enough to warn us is impressive. We're going to go back there today. Brasilians really are crazy nice, it's sort of throws me off.
In other news, Wildjoy is marked for baptism again, for the 31st. We talked to him, he still wants to get baptized, and we read the part in the bible where Christ says that if you have faith as a mustard seed you will be able to move mountains, or in this case, his mom. I think it's matthew 17. Anyway, we're hopeful. We're also hopeful for transfers. _Having found a couple of new investigators, and having people progressing, we're not too excited about leaving, and both of us are hoping to stay, but we really don't know. In anycase, we're know, although probably not until the day after next p-day.
That's about the newses. I'm still healthy (that's over a year without getting sick enough to stay at home. Woo) and still happy. Portugal is getting chilly, this will be my first and only i get here, since the last i was rocking the MTC still.
Bem, that's all the time i've got, next week i'll make sure to get a full hour in, but for now, have a great week. Buy pumpkins early so you don't get the gimpy ones, and don't put off costume making until halloween afternoon, or else you'll have to turn a lion costume into a dog costume and it just won't be the same as last year.