15 July 2009

July 15, 2009

this is our ward, not really all of them, but everyone who came for Telma's farewell

This is me infront of my area. You can see my building (it's the fourth in the line of five rectangular pinkish buildings)

This one is me infront of Cristo Rei, which is a Giant statue of Christ that was copied from an even gianter on in brasil.

i made a smiley face pancake for Elder Nair, it worked out ok, but it made me wonder how Mom would do them so perfectly

i don't know if you can quite see, but there's a little gold plaque that says Caution, eloctrostatic system to keep away pidgeons active. I thought the idea of an electostatic system was pretty funny, more so when you look at the masses of pidgeons on the statue.